Three Pears, three pairs, 3 X 2=6, threesome times two, six-tom, sex-a-ton, burn calories, hunger, pear, two more, and that makes three pears.

This is my brain:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Justine Bieber

I swear if Justin Bieber had long hair people would constantly mistake him for a really pretty girl.

Source: WeHeartIt

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I promise I'm still adding useless shit to the Internet

I've just mostly been doing it on Tumblr. 
---> Notice decline in Blog entries in last six months. 
---> Shed a single tear.
---> Imagine I'm awkwardly caressing your inappropriate display of emotion. 
---> It's alright. 

Also, Pinterest is of interest. 

Matrix Shit

Earlier this week - as in yesterday - I tweeted/status-ed/attempted to propagate the following through the Internet: 
"It's a hipster anomaly to like every single print from a roll of film. I mean like Matrix shit."

Directions to my soul: Up the stairs to the left. 

Case in point, my summer 2011 Fisheye & Oktomat pictures are a paradoxical anomalous mass of beautiful brights and sunshine. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh She Glows

A few months ago I happened upon Oh She Glows; definably a vegan cookbook + personal blog love child. More accurately, a one stop online shop for optimism and idea cultivation, sounds super vegan-cheesy but it's true. Refer to Figure 1. for the picture to say it all.  

Figure 1: 
"Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch ‘Blizzard’ in all its crunchy, crispy, creamy, and peanut buttery glory." - Andrea Liddon

OSG's creator Andrea Liddon is all to blame, or thank for that matter. She reminds me that there are real people on the Internet with real problems and passions to share. And I swear you can actually feel her happiness erupting through your computer screen (If you're into that sort of thing).  Refer to Figure 2. for tonight's dinner.

Figure 2: 
Source: Oh She Glows

So, if this Monday has left you feeling like you need a bit of a boost, or a Green Monster then head over to OSG and get it gluten free. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thousands of letters signifying meaning

Cut the crap, this is my life in iPhone pictures. Nothing too artistic or creative about that. 

Someone was incredibly proud of themselves. 
Favorite Ad campaign ever. Wish Dentyne ice didn't taste like crystallized Listerine, uck. 
/lifePurpose> Find Friends dog
Peace and love drugs 
Sexy ass library 
Parking lot italics 
Salmon steak is visually equivalent to cat butt
This statue has wicked abdominal strength. Also, sunshine. 
"Your air is as cold as ice and you're hundreds of years old. I know what you are. Forest in the mountains." 
Rapist candy 
Construction zone art 
Man with helmet plays the cow enveloped piano 

Catch moments, not butterflies 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Regal Rooms

These are the nightmare free tea infused spaces of my dreams. 
Ancestral ghosts permitted. 

Twisted bodies and framed carpets 
Chandelier bases above the bed
Love U seat 
Gabriel's corner in gold plating
Giving grandma a bath
Sea shell key stone to my soul

All photo sources from WeHeartIT

I'll wake up again one day. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Forty Nights

Time passes faster when considered mathematically. 
Forty isn't that large of a number.
Right now, it may as well be infinity. 

Here's a visualization of various daydreams I will have until August 21. 
Source: TheDailyWhat
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt
Source: WeHeartIt

Mish youh.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bella Nutella

Today #LittleBitAddicted trended on Twitter. Let's remove the little bit entirely and focus on my all encompassing addiction to Nutella. It appears that I'm definitely not alone in my spreadable sympathies. Last week I discovered a website that is solely dedicated to Nutella, stories about Nutella, pictures of Nutella, and best of all recipes including Nutella. You'll be shocked to know that I wasn't in any way involved in creating this magnificent online utopia. Not only am I not alone, but I've been outdone. 

Self Frosting Nutella Cupcakes via Dinner With Julie 

The concept behind Bella Nutella is simple - it's "All Nutella All the Time" or in other words a light box of delicious Nutella filled food images with links to the original photographer and recipe for good measure. The blog features the profiles of several "Nutella-holics" and you're able to submit your own Nutella recipes and pictures with ease. 

Nutella Baked Chocolate Pudding via Verses from my Kitchen 

What I don't understand is why you're still hanging around here for. 

Mini Pumpkin Cakes with Nutella Glaze via bell'alimento

My name is Sanja, and I am addicted to Nutella. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mike and Tom Eat Snacks

There is a podcast.

Where two comedians/actors - Mike and Tom, eat snacks. 

Please listen to the link above for you will now love me forever.  

My 10 point snack: two spoonfuls of Nutella 

Image source: WeHeartIt

You will never think of snacks the same way again. 


I don't understand how nobody is talking about Selena Gomez's not nearly as attractive and famous friend. She was totally embarrassed for Selena too guys!! 


They probz txtd about it for hours afterwards. 
I still like her more than Miley Cryus' obsequious salvia companion. "You Go Girlfriend!" 

An astute sense for teenage popstar's friends - My deep dark secret skill.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Childhood Thoughts

All Images Sources: WeHeartIt
Could I be identified based on the breath I blow into a balloon? Would the air have my face on it? Does it smell?

Is that kid really allergic to peanuts or do they just not like them?

Only girls with the name Kimberly (pink ranger's name) could ever be happy.

People who give away whole chocolate bars at Halloween must be incredibly wealthy.

Why does the Trix Rabbit sell yogurt on TV but not in stores near my house? - My first experience of American advertising in Canada.

Spaghetti straps are the coolest!

I wonder if anyone peed or hid chocolate in this ball pit - Every single time I was in a ball pit. I felt around the bottom with my toes to investigate.

Does Aaron Carter know how often I think about him? That I have A CRUSH on him?

Tele buddies are so strange, why would someone only eat toast with faces on it and custard?!?

Why don't they have Nutella available everywhere? - Still think this constantly.

Do the Pokemon people know that pika (Pikachu's entire vocabulary) means girl's private parts in my language (Serbo-Croatian)?

Do we really need patrollers? I mean there is a cross walk light where we patrol. - The very proud yet unconvinced patrol captain in me.

If I had a giant Disney Land Lollipop everyone would think I was the best.

All adults have everything figured out and correct, they're all so smart. - WRONG!

I really wish I had Asthma, the buttons on those puffer things are so huge and awesome, I just want to press one. Plus those kids don't have to do sports.

Semi-developed brains have the best thought patterns.